Monday, January 29, 2007
Where The Trekker Meets The Meaning Of The Trek
This is the time when I ask, “Do I really want to arrive at my desired goal, knowing what I now know about the risks and challenges—obstacles and… WORK… that needs to be done to get there?”
I’m at that point where many turn back saying, “no”, not understanding their fear, but certainly feeling and being swayed by it. They—and I—want so badly to say “Yes”, but that “thing”, that word called “commitment” hangs out there on a branch just beyond our reach over the cliff. To grasp the dream, we… I… must jump; the possibilities of flying on new wings, or falling to certain disaster, loom large.
This is the ultimate moment of submission Lord, exactly where You want to meet me—where the Trekker meets the meaning of the Trek.
I wax on like this because I’ve just gotten the approved cover copies for the book I wrote. Cover approval is the last phase of the preprinting process; now the book will be actually printed and then will be made available. None of this is a big deal, there are lots of books being printed and promoted out there. What is different is that the publishing, printing, and…even the writing of this book was never supposed to happen.
It did happen though. It started with another book that was supposed to happen… and didn’t. I wanted desperately to find a way to share my journals—the ones where I listen and respond to Your whispers—with a larger readership. After all, You blessed my writing on the internet, why shouldn’t there be a way to broadcast Your love for me (and by example for others) in paper format? Why not? Because You said “not yet”. I listened, I obeyed—a very strange behavior for me, Jehovah—and as trapped as it made me feel to let go of that desire, strangely I also felt incredibly liberated… no…free.
All of this spiritual exorcism happened even as some friends were encouraging the effort to print my journals. They said all the right things; they gave me all the right advice and pointed me on my way—but You said, “wrong way.”
The irony was that, during that same conversation with my friends, as I was explaining to them I didn’t hear Your inspiration for such a project, You were paving another road. Actually, a year prior to that You had begun to whisper into my writer’s heart, the essence of why RUTs are vital and significant components of a successful life quest. Still I held back, not sure if such a concept would ring in the public ear. It took just one small spark—back to that meeting with friends—when we were about to leave the restaurant.
One of my friends asked the loaded question, “Is there anything else, any idea you’ve been holding on to, that should be shared with an audience?” I remember so vividly shaking my head Jehovah, dismissing the words even as they left my mouth… “Well, I do have this idea about RUT’s—the routine of life we try to frantically escape from-actually being a good thing.” The response I got then, and the feedback received ongoing from others who have helped me shape and edit the idea since, was electric. I new then as I know now, RUT Management is not a simple “Mark Thing”. It’s part of “the gift”.
It’s taken far too many years for me to figure this out, but Your guidance is ever patient. I learned that this gift was to be focused on Your need, not Mark’s. I’ve discovered that if I continue to walk in the RUT You originally set out for me to follow, that… things—powerful, wonderful, undoable things—happen. A dyslectic, average and very ordinary boy who can’t spell worth a lick and with no history of strong communication skills… suddenly can write. He can even present a point in ways that win the hearts of others for God. I’m not—nor do I want to be—capable of such things on my own. I recognize the gift and praise The Giver.
But now it’s back to the present. I know I can write when the writing is for You. I know I can strike the reverberating chord when it’s Your song I play. I know because I’ve done it and done it well—beauty flowing from the former beast. Now the work needs to be spread. The book needs to be placed in the hands of others. The message needs… wants… to be spoken to Your audience.
How do I know this? Because You made it happen so easily… once again, after I handed over control, that is. I was so hesitant to self-publish because of that same nagging feeling in me that said, “You’re doing this for self promotion, Mark” and it was so far from the truth that I became frozen in guilt. You Adonai, would have none of it. Suddenly another writer points me to a publisher who specializes in new writers and they eagerly accept my first draft—after I had spent months seeking out such and group on my own with no success—would anyone not at least suspect Divine intervention?
Here’s the kicker: I’ve never walked this part of the RUT before; others have been out there doing it before me so it’s not Trailblazing, but it sure feels like it—a virgin path full of unknowns—I don’t even grasp who the audience You want me to speak to is! Some call this genre of book “Self Help”, but one of the major concepts of RUT Management is that I CAN’T HELP MYSELF WITHOUT HELP! So what do we call this category Lord, Self Helplessness? I don’t believe the bookstores will go for that.
I hear You Master, You’re saying that I’m over thinking this thing—can’t help it—that’s how You wired me. That’s how I prepare. Prepare for what? I’m about to give You back the fruit of the tree You gave me to plant and You’re already telling me to plant the seeds of the fruit… BUT I’VE NEVER PLANTED FRUIT SEEDS BEFORE. I WAS IN CHARGE OF ONE MEASLY TREE!
Overwhelmed? Yes, You might say I’m feeling that. I want so desperately… not to screw this up. And because I’m involved, that likelihood is high… unless: Unless I do what I’ve learned works. I’m giving all of it to You Lord. I’ll do what ever You ask, whatever You command; even if it seems foolish and odd to others. I’ll pray, I’ll ask for all action, all results in Your name, I’ll wait for Your voice and when heard, I will charge. I’ll do it without hesitation, and without the blink of an eye. Will I fear my involvement? Oh, yes. Will I fear Your involvement? Not a chance; there’s still a lot of the struggling “me” left to deny, but I want nothing more than to be Yours with complete abandon. Help me, so that others can see what that Trek looks like and what it means to love God as He loves me. Maybe, just maybe they’ll learn how to be loved as well.
And so the book will soon become reality. And Mark will stand up and speak out, and people will see. Will they buy? Will it be a message worthy or a fad too quickly waning? Neither. It will be what You Father, want it to be. It will be Your prose for Your purpose. I’m not in this RUT for fame or fortune because You didn’t create this RUT for fame or fortune. And I guess that not only places me right where this Trekker meets the meaning of the Trek, but also dead-center where I meet the very Maker of the Trek.
Good to meet You here Lord, I’m ready. RUT ON!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Leading The Follower
my eyes see ahead of where I already am…
…my mind dreams of a future yet to happen
my heart cries for things past which cannot be undone.
But, I have no problem expecting You to follow me Lord, wherever I trod. I call it “walking with You”, but we both know the truth of it. I want You to endorse my life. If I claim that You are with me, who can be against me? Not even You can be against me then—not when I claim it in Your name; right?
This thing I do in my head, this… “self-rational-righteousnessing”, is what I use to justify my authority when I want something or someone to do something for me… and I’m absolutely wrong to claim it in that way. Still, I walk in this wrongness a lot. I even have a little mental song I sing to myself that sounds something like this…
I feel so humble, right and true
Because I claim to follow You
Glory, power and grace have I
Which means I own all things in Christ
Yes Master, it is a bit sarcastic, but that’s the secret, ugly me. The one that wants to “one-up” the enemy… make that… my enemy. And who exactly is that—my enemy? Why, they’re simply any of those who aren’t doing Your will… as I … define Your will.
That’s not exactly what is written, is it? Biblically, I’m way out in left field. You tell me I’m to submit to the authorities placed over me. That would be the government of my country, no matter who, or which party, is in power. That would mean some person at work I report to indirectly whose moral convictions I don’t agree with. That would mean the leader at church—who has a position or way of doing things that I don’t agree with—who is given authority by the elders of the congregation. That would include anyone You’ve chosen to be over me.
I don’t like this part of Your RUT Lord, the following part; because I’m being asked by You—of all People—to follow those I don’t trust, those I don’t admire, even those who might harm me; and I’m asked to trust… that… a higher power… that would be YOU… has control over the situation? Are You telling me that I’m to have faith that You’re an active agent in this nasty little business called life and that if I follow the “elect” on the path, but mimic You in my Trekking, that somehow it will all be blessed?
I don’t like this part of Your RUT Lord, but it is Your RUT and if I claim to be Your follower, I… have to follow, not lead. What’s difficult is that—even though I like to picture myself as Your “partner”; us walking side by side and me even having constructive/intelligent things to offer the partnership—I’m not often consulted or even invited to walk side by side… not even a step or two behind. My name is “slave”. Hate that word—slave. I prefer “servant”. It sounds more like I have a respectable position with some degree of will in the administration of my duties. Slave sounds… like what it is… a captured soul, taken for the owner’s bidding—but that’s the deepest level of commitment for me isn’t it Jehovah? I must first —and last—be Your slave, before I can ever graduate to servant.
A slave walks far behind the Master and does whatever the Master asks, whenever the Master asks it. Why can’t You see that I’ve got experience that makes me more valuable than a slave to You?
And that’s the point I think I’m missing—it’s my experience that requires slavery. To submit to You, I have to agree with—or at least submit to—Your plan of action. I don’t have to understand it; I read nowhere that I have to like it. I just have to live it… which brings up a finer point, Creator.
I’ve always looked at submission act-by-act: As an opportunity to submit arises (i.e. my parents, spouse, or a manager telling me not to do something) I then weigh all the circumstances and decide to submit or… not. I’ve learned to do this day in, week out, year by year, my whole life. And it’s been wrong.
I’m seeing now that submission is not a series of steps along the path, but the path itself.
I am to submit in attitude, in body, soul and spirit. It’s the whole package and it’s not locked to a situation or a time or a place, it’s all or nothing. It has to be my life and my life’s style. No wonder the young man in Matthew 9:16-22 was so sad. That passage has always thrown me; Your guys; the disciples—seemed really bothered by it too. I never understood why they were so worried about some “rich boy” not being able to pass the “eternity test”.
Now I understand why. You weren’t talking to him about giving up just his monetary wealth. The Greek word used there is “plousios” which is a term meaning abundance. You were telling him he needed to give up not just his possessions, but his status and his prestige; his personal aristocracy and importance. His… power. You were asking him to give up his authority. You wanted nothing from him… and all of him… all of me, all of anyone who would dare to call themselves a “follower of Jesus”.
But Lord, how do I know who you’ve placed in authority over me… and how will I know those who falsely claim to be in authority? And do You ever take the authority away when they misuse it? What I’m REALLY asking—am anxious to know—is; are there times I won’t have to submit to a dislikable authority? I REALLY NEED TO KNOW THIS! Why? Good question Adonai; because I don’t trust You to protect me and to keep me… comfortable.
So then it comes to that funky “cross” quote You make—You know the one in Matthew 16, "If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.”
The trick with that phrase is that it’s very easy to assume that my cross is the same as the one You picked up and carried. I think not. Tell me if I’m wrong Lord, but here’s the difference I see:
Your cross was carried by God. You chose to take it up (You were not forced) relinquishing everything Your were, even Your authority over the Earth, the people and the creatures You created—an incredible thought to picture—and You became everything You want me to be. Then You allowed Yourself to be physically tortured to death. You… loved… love me so much that in all the universe, You put me, and anyone who calls You Lord, first—above all other things—no matter what.
My cross? Here’s the twist. My cross is carried by someone who is not GOD (but who secretly wants to act as one). I must choose (not be forced) to give up every thing I am and replace it with every thing You want me to be. In other words, my cross must be picked up willingly; demonstrating that I want to totally kill off anything that smacks of godlike desire and replace it with the desires of The Ultimate Authority of my existence—You.
You first—above all other things: including me; especially me—no matter what.
And so, I’ve chosen… I can’t… I won’t deny such love. I’ve seen it work for me, for many, many others. All I have to do is pick up that pathetic piece of timber and start walking. It makes me look stupid Lord. It makes me a target of ridicule-people point at me… they think it’s a fake cross.
They make me wonder if it is too. I catch myself thinking I’d rather be like them… they can do what they want, with whomever they want, whenever they want. They look like they’ve got good stuff. They talk as if they have the authority and the power to get more good stuff. Some of them do have authority over me. I hate that Father. They are the nails of my cross.
I squirm to get free, yet I look around and see how temporary their power and their stuff is and I realize, that by becoming Yours, I have something different; the authority I’ve lost means nothing—it was worthless to begin with—taking me nowhere. Now that I don’t have to do anything, don’t have to wield that presumed power, don’t have to proclaim it; Another authority—the power of Your love within me grows and I finally move forward on my Trek, toward what You had in mind for me to be all along, a “leading follower”.
Interesting concept—leading by following. According to You, it’s a walk through the eye of a needle and it’s hard, which I guess is why the ones who actually do it become the authorities for those wanting to do it. Since it is such an incredibly difficult Trek to navigate, I suppose I need to look for the examples of others who have followed before me. Besides You, they would be the best authorities of all to submit to, would they not?
And as for any whom would “lord it over me”, by insisting they are my leaders—demanding I follow them away from Your course so clearly marked? Well there is no authority in that RUT is there!
RUT ON. Mark A. Cornelius
Monday, January 15, 2007
I’m sitting in a Sunday School class taught by a friend. I’m curious Adonai, because he and I have been trekking a path of discovery together and he’s on to something. “This” that he is now speaking of may be the crux of THE RUT. Your RUT Master, the one we’re trying to figure out together. My friend is smarter and better at this than I am so I’ve come to hear him out as he presents it to his class...
“So, to be given the keys to the kingdom of heaven, we have to totally submit to the will of the Master...”
I’ve heard this before, not new stuff really, but there’s something else slithering under the surface…
“…Submitting is totally against everything our culture teaches. We’re taught to excel and be ‘better than’ and to achieve and acquire. But submission—this is different—what does “this” look like?”
I’m trying to keep my mouth shut because when it opens, things come out and that’s bad. Someone else opens their mouth…
“Isn’t that what we’re here to do, study the Word of God, then pick up our cross and walk with Jesus?”
I don’t know these people, but that guy sounds very familiar. My friend responds…
“That’s what we’re told, but do we? Do we submit our entire lives and everything we are to that cause? I’ll be honest with you. I have a lot of trouble totally submitting. I don’t know the answer. I’m just beginning to understand what real discipleship means.
My mouth remains shut, but my brain is now totally open. THAT’s IT! No wait, “THIS” is IT! Submission isn’t an inheritance or a “succession”—which is what most of us think of it as—our inheritance based on good behavior. Submission… walking with You Jesus, is about taking a step back… maybe a whole bunch more than one step… and giving up even my desire to walk with you side-by-side, because that suggests equality and status.
Instead, I’m to follow patiently and silently behind and somehow—because I am nothing but a follower with nothing more to offer, except for my following—I become not your equal, but your vessel. And a vessel is what a vessel does… it holds cargo for someone else’s purpose, not it’s own.
Oh how strange this must sound to the ones out there reading this who don’t believe in You—Ruler of The Universe; even to those who do believe, but have elevated themselves to the position of Your designer. You know them; the ones who define You by their needs and wants at a given time—they are very much like… me. Yes, Lord, it sounds strange to me too, because as much as I hate to admit it, I’m not yet—even after all my hard work and study— a very good follower.
THE RUT would suggest different behavior from me: Difficult and inconvenient behavior; unpopular behavior. It would suggest that I become Your need and Your want, that I submit to nothing less than becoming nothing more. And that requires me to follow Your RUT down to the very letter of the Word, even when my RUT invites me to take a much more attractive, lucrative, comfortable and prestigious path.
Will I succeed? No, of course not, and that’s why You designed forgiveness into the system. But forgiveness is not where the RUT ends, it’s just a tool to help me not become hopelessly stuck, unable to finish the Trek. With that tool in hand, I press on, my objective no longer my objective, but Yours. And even here, I’m tempted to try to figure out Your plan and how I fit into Your grand equation. After all, I’m Your “buddy” right? What’s my purpose and what powers have You given me to accomplish that purpose—again my quest for status—forgive me?
And that’s just a little bit of what “This” looks like. Like my friend, I can’t see the whole picture. I’m not supposed to—I’m not even supposed to be in the picture. But You said You wanted me here and that complicates things. By the very invitation, I want to think I have value above that of worshiper and slave. It’s who I am… but not who I want to be—not any longer.
The truth of this truth is that what “This” looks like to me shouldn’t matter at all. What I need to continue to get better at asking and seeking and breathing is…”What does “This” look like to YOU, Master?”
Monday, January 08, 2007
This is fascinating Lord. I am with my daughter on a walking tour of the campus for Ohio State University. She’s considering the school, “Ohio State is currently the largest institution for higher learning in the United States…” and we are now listening to an informative, if rather highly-enthusiastic underclassperson present her rendition of campus life-‘plurumum circumiecti’ (look it up-sometimes to learn something fun, ya just gotta work at it).
“The faculty to student ratio is 1 to 14 and there are over 50 major focuses for study that can be combined in many ways.” My ears perk up. I remember back Father, when I was going through this process. So many options, so many paths from which to choose – hence the question: Where does the RUT start and where will it end?
“The biggest difference between High School and College is the responsibility the student takes on. No one is going to make your decisions for you. No one will check up on you if you don’t show up for class. The person who is most going to affect whether your college experience is positive or negative is you.”
Wow Adonai; that sounds so much like real life that it hurts. I look at my daughter through fresh eyes and understand the true meaning of this graduation… for her, for her parents, for all of us. This is not a venture into the unknown, many others have Trekked here before. This is not a rebellious breakout for individual freedom, there are way too many other individuals interconnected that will be impacted by (and who will have some reverse impact on) these choices. This is a discovery of crossRUTs. A mingling point to establish stronger direction: This is where the real RUT begins… no, BECOMES DEFINED.
After all Master, if I am ‘whose’ I say I am. If my daughter is Yours as well; this path has been constructed, protected and set out for the discovery before the word and the world were invented (ouch, that burned up multiple brain cells just to contemplate!). And if that’s the case, this is only a point at which our eyes have the opportunity to open, and then comes the next questions; will we let them open?
I think of the possibilities unseen out there. I hear how others process and choose. I consider how those choices will impact the Trek and I pray that for such a moment as this, such a time as You have planned, that it is met with eyes open.
“Thanks for joining me on this tour today. I hope I’ve given you the information you came for and I’ll be glad to answer any questions that I can. We look forward to helping you in your choices for this next great step in your life’s pursuits.”
Mark A. Cornelius
Behold, a Trailblazer went out to blaze. And as he blazed, some of the RUTs he left behind him were occupied by selfish people with selfish purposes and they changed the direction of those RUTs.
Some RUTs went through rocky places, where there was not much of a trail to follow. When Trekkers began to follow this daily trek they were quickly burned out by the routine, becoming confused and useless because the path was shallow and unclear.
Other RUTs ran through thorny-tangled areas which kept some Trekkers from reaching their dreams.
Still other RUTs were well marked and well traveled. The Trekkers who stayed on these paths prospered beyond their highest expectations.
He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
OK Lord, I’m trying to come up with a New Years Resolution and the one that comes to mind is to stay committed to my own RUT and to not be tempted to veer off because of the risk of offending someone. And I don’t want that “someone” to be You.
I know You may recognize some of the language of the above parable, please forgive me as I mean no offense in the similarity between this and Your parable shared in Matt. 13. On the contrary, I see the parallels (sic) all to well. The question is, will others?
And then there’s that other question. This isn’t a book about You, but it is a book inspired by You. I want RUT Management to speak to those who don’t know You as much as to those who do. My fear is that if I sound too… what’s a good word here… religious?... in my journaling, I think I’ll scare away the people who really would enjoy the “read”. Why? Why would they be scared away? Why shouldn’t they be scared reading a journal of someone addressing God in the first person as if God were actually listening and capable of responding? I understand why they’d be scared… it scares me!
But what if they were able to look beyond that fear Lord… what if they were able to read without bias or bad history or theo-bigotry intervening? Might something new happen? Could they see how their RUT and their lives and every part of their Trek relates to everyone else’s… and to… You? Could they discover that religion is no place to be found in Your vocabulary, but that relationship is everywhere within Your universe? Could they find themselves actually wanting to Trek into that relationship with You, as I have? That would be spooky wouldn’t it?
And by the way Master of my RUT, why should it make me sad if I scare these people away by this kind of speculation and funky dialogue? Wouldn’t that just mean I’d then be conversing only with people like-minded to myself? Isn’t that what the world thinks Christians are all about? And that’s the greatest lie of all, based on the greatest fear of all… that to be a believer in God, everyone has to be like everyone else, plain and unremarkable and… monotonous…
…Like the way we’ve been told that we’re to look at RUTs, fearing them because they make us all “the same”, invisible, because there is no difference between us as we march blindly together day by day. No greater lie has been fed to us and willingly swallowed.
That’s the lie I want to expose and destroy with this book Lord. And I need Your help to do it. And because I need You, I’ll have to depend on Your creative influence, so that those who would otherwise be repulsed by this two way spiritual conversation might read on, without fear, that they might discover something totally outside the boundaries of their current RUT. And if they see it, they might recognize the path of a new RUT that will take them places they never dreamed possible. Just as I have.
Just like the Farmer sowing seeds or the Trailblazer blazing, I ask that You make the ground fertile, the RUT path clear and then maybe, just maybe, a few more will pick up the chorus… RUT ON!
Mark A. Cornelius
12/17/2006: RUT Origins
Dear God in heaven. People are going to think I'm NUTs talking RUTs when this book is finally in print, but RUT's so different about that? I've always been a little stranger than the world will accept as normal, why should the promotion of RUT Management describe me any differently.
But there is a surprise... no, a TWIST, in this path isn't there Lord? It's You. The fact that You've yet again shown me the "hidden" that is plainly lit right before my eyes (if I will only open them!) How blind I've been to such a simple truth - I'm different, strange to the world, "odd man out", because I'm... NOT. I'm set apart, NOT because I've been some kind of new world explorer, but because I've chosen the "beaten path", a disciple of it's direction.
The funny part is that, this whole time, I've had myself convinced that I WAS INDEED the entrepreneur of entrepreneurs, trailblazer of my own universe. Hah! Look at me now, as I discover that someone else has blazed this trail long before I was even part of the "molecule mix (gene pool - whatever)!"
And as it's revealed to me how un-unique I am in my trek, I find it refreshingly singular... because most of the rest of the world has yet to grasp how great a thing a RUT can be... how... unique... and amazing a routine can become by the adventuresome management of the day-to-day journey.
I hope I get manage this right Lord of the RUT; I can't depend on my own resources to do so... that's been proven. So... I look to You... out there in front blazing ahead to show me the way... and yet, somehow incredibly trekking with me at my side on RUTted Road.
Mark A. Cornelius
Actually, the start was in September of 2005 when I stumbled on an idea. A "book-worthy" idea according to people who seem to understand such things. Me? I write. Honestly, I wouldn't know a good idea if it whacked me in the face, head on. But that's another story.
This story is about RUTs. Not the "mating" kind of RUT - I'm talking about the day-in-day-out mundane, repetitive, "get me out of here" sensation we all feel when we think we've been doing things the same way for too long.
Actually, the start was in September of 2005 when I stumbled on an idea. A "book-worthy" idea according to people who seem to understand such things. Me? I write. Honestly, I wouldn't know a good idea if it whacked me in the face, head on. But that's another story. This story is about RUTs. Not the "mating" kind of RUT - I'm talking about the day-in-day-out mundane, repetitive, "get me out of here" sensation we all feel when we think we've been doing things the same way for too long. I've written a book about RUTs and in the writing, discovered a hidden nugget of gold. I'll even share the "just" with you. Ready? Being In A RUT Is A Good Thing You'll have to read the book to find out how a RUT is good and how we've all "missed the boat" when it comes to "RUT Strategy". Meanwhile, I'm putting this Blog out for two simple reasons. 1. I want people talking about, thinking about and acting on their RUTs 2. I need help in getting to the next step. You see, there's a simple fact. I can write, oh baby can I. But publishing and the process of best getting my idea sold to the grateful public? That's not my universe. So now I'm reaching out. Each Blog entry will share a little bit about what I've been doing to get to the "published" stage - call it a kind of "Reality Blog" show. It works on TV. Maybe.... we'll see. Also, from time to time, I'll share little snippets from the book itself to entice the general public to storm Barnes & Noble, to demand that this book be "ten-deep" in the Self Improvement / Business Building sections. Meanwhile I'm busy seeking out a publisher who will fall in love with my love. Of course there's the self-publishing option, and I'm pursuing that, but let's face it, if I can get a big house to pay attention... why not reach for the big brass ring? You can ride on the carrousel with me if you'd like. Who knows, maybe we can learn something together. And in that light... I'll leave you with a quote from the book titled, "RUT Management." RUT Rule Number Thirteen: RUTs by definition are designed for more than one person to Trek So, I invite you to Trek with me on this path. Let's see what really happens when people "RUT ON" together.
Mark A. Cornelius