Monday, March 05, 2007

Much To Do About Nothing

Lord, it’s “Late o’clock” again and I’m tired. I’m told You want to hear about such things, though I can’t imagine why it would be important to You.

What may be more important (listen to me suggesting a hierarchy of importance to the Ruler of the universe!) is that I can’t see where my RUT is headed next. There seems to be a bend or two that keep me from being able to see ahead - to anticipate. I’d like to predict my future… at least a year or so out… just thought You might be interested.

Why? I’m excited! There’s lots going on and it’s kind of like Advent before Christmas. I know I’ve got to wait, but I just… well I’d like to know and You’re keeping secrets. Yes, I know, their Yours to keep. Again, just sharing some humanity with You.

By the way, besides predicting the future, I’d also like to know what others are thinking. Just a little bit. I’d like to peer into the minds of those reading (or wanting to read) my book. There’s got to be 1 or 2 of them out there. Maybe not; maybe that’s what You’re protecting me from.

Don’t worry I’m just fretting as any new author would. Nothing serious; I really am just grateful to have written the book. Still vanity creeps in. I’m tempted to want to believe that others might be grateful for the “read”. But that would be predicting YOU’RE future. That would be assuming that You inspired me to write for the benefit of others when it simple might have been for me.

Like I said Lord, it’s late and the fringes of my soul are being tickled by hidden fingers of desire and impatience for Your plan to unfold. Sometimes (A lot of times), I fall into the trap of thinking that this is adventure is partly about me instead of all about You. This is always the toughest type of terrain in my RUT Trek. And the time I need to keep the steady course and most importantly trust… in the One it's all about.

I do really, trust You that is. But You wired me with restlessness; I’m sure You understand that I need to talk this out just so I can be honest with You about who I am deep inside. Call it confession… and of course, You invented confession so I guess I didn’t have to tell You what to call it.

And it’s done, I feel better just spilling the beans and moving on. Good night Lord, thanks for letting me talk a little as we Trek. Sometimes, just that is sufficient.


Mark A. Cornelius

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